
What is scabies?

Scabies is an infestation of the skin by the human itch mite (Sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis). The microscopic scabies mite burrows into the upper layer of the skin where it lives and lays its eggs. The most common symptoms of scabies are intense itching and a pimple-like skin rash. The scabies mite usually is spread by direct, prolonged; skin-to-skin contact with a person who has scabies.

Scabies is found worldwide and affects people of all races and social classes.

Scabies is easily treatable, Medicines are applied to the skin to kill the mites and their eggs that cause scabies. Contact your doctor if you have any signs and symptoms of this disease.

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Scabies Symptoms

When a person is infested with scabies for the first time, it can take four to six weeks for the skin to react. The most common symptoms are:

  • Intense itching, especially at night
  • A pimple-like rash
  • Scales or blisters
  • Sores caused by scratching

Types of scabies

There’s only one type of mite that causes a scabies infestation. This mite is called Sarcoptes scabiei. However, these mites can cause several types of infestations.

Typical scabies

This infestation is the most common. It causes an itchy rash on the hands, wrists, and other common spots. However, it doesn’t infest the scalp or face.

Nodular scabies

This type of scabies may develop as itchy, raised bumps or lumps, especially in the genital areas, armpits, or groin.

Norwegian scabies

Some people with scabies may develop another form of scabies known as Norwegian scabies, or crusted scabies. This is a more severe and extremely contagious type of scabies. People with crusted scabies develop thick crusts of skin that contain thousands of mites and eggs.

Crusted scabies usually develops in people with weakened immune systems. This includes people with HIV or AIDS, people who use steroids or certain medications (such as some for rheumatoid arthritis), or people who are undergoing chemotherapy.

The scabies mites can overpower the immune system more easily and multiply at a quicker rate. Crusted scabies spreads in the same way as normal scabies.

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